Monday, September 1, 2008

Street Golf Cart Legalization

I had the pleasure of serving on the first state Golf Cart Legalization Committee with then Mayor Dick Kelly. I will never forget the first full meeting with the entire team and staff members.
Almost immediately after the call to order and introductions; one-by-one people began to complain about how difficult a task it was to undertake. We heard about how hard the road delineations would be, how difficult the traffic signals could become, how great a challenge to write the licensing laws; and then, in the midst of all the whining, a loud BANG!
Dick Kelly slammed his fist on the table and sternly said; 'I don't want to hear any more about how hard it is! It is going to happen so clear your minds and start telling me HOW you can help make it happen.' After a momentary pause, one-by-one each person began to share ideas and offer suggestions as to how it would work!
I realized what I had just seen was a lesson in leadership. Needless to say, the pilot program of which we were a part worked magnificently and prospered under the leadership on one Richard "Dick" Kelly.
He deserves your vote!
Tom Emmett
Palm Desert
Golf Cart Distributor

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